hands holding a small plant passing it onto a childs hands


The Encore Society honors those individuals who have included MPAC in their will or other estate plans. A charitable bequest in your will is an effective way of providing for MPAC while retaining your assets throughout your lifetime. If you already have MPAC receiving a future gift, we would be honored to know of your intentions and have you as a member of The Encore Society. Exclusive Encore Society benefits include special invitations to the annual Encore Society Luncheon and other events throughout the year, as well as your name listed in our Encore Society member roster.

Download Your Intent of Planned Giving Form


Like bequests, a trust makes you feel secure and confident that your wishes for your family, friends and favorite charities will be carried out. There are several ways to create a trust that works for you and allows you to retain control of your assets. Your financial advisor or estate planner can help you to choose the Trust that is best for you.


Transfer ownership of a Life Insurance you no longer require to MPAC or naming us the beneficiary or partial beneficiary of your policy allows you to take an income tax deduction of the cash surrender value of the policy. If you continue to pay the policy premiums, you can take future deductions too.


Naming MPAC as the sole or partial beneficiary of an IRA, (401)k, or 403(b) will avoid paying income and estate taxes on these highly taxed assets.

Gift planning requires careful consideration so that you are able to put your assets to work for you and your family first and for the causes you believe in.

If you would like to inform us of your intention to leave a Bequest in your Will or make a Planned Gift, please call Marysue DePaola, Development Director, at 973-539-0345, extension 6503, or send an email inquiry by clicking here.

Our Mission

Mayo Performing Arts Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, presents a wide range of programs that entertain, enrich, and educate the diverse population of the region and enhance the economic vitality of Northern New Jersey.

MPAC is grateful to the following donors whose major support helps to sustain the general operating needs of our organization:

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